
Hey, and welcome to G100! \ud83d\ude42 I\u2019m Alex, and I started G100 all the way back in 2011 with a single goal: Help Content-Creators find the right Hardware Components for their PC<\/strong>.<\/p>\n

The “CG” in G100 stands for Computer Graphics<\/a>, and we direct<\/em> your PC hardware needs to achieve efficient and high-performance work.<\/p>\n

Over the years, I've been able to fill many roles: From 3D-Generalist, Animator, and Compositor, to Graphic Designer and Video Editor, handling IT resources of big companies to building my own Render-Farms<\/strong>.<\/p>\n

Optimizing Computer Hardware for visually demanding Software and Workloads is something I've never stopped doing, and I hope to help as many people as possible with what I've learned so far.<\/strong><\/p>\n

I'm joined by experts that are authorities in their field, and together we work tirelessly to create the most helpful content for you.<\/p>\n

G100's consistently growing Audience (8Mio+ Users\/year) consists of Creators<\/strong> in Video Editing, 3D Animation & Rendering, CAD, Motion Design, Graphic Design, Photo Editing and more!<\/p>\n

Let me introduce our Team:<\/strong><\/p>\n

<\/span>G100's Team of Experts<\/span><\/h2>\n