{"id":19827,"date":"2022-09-18T11:25:13","date_gmt":"2022-09-18T09:25:13","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/g100.us\/?p=19827"},"modified":"2022-09-18T11:38:48","modified_gmt":"2022-09-18T09:38:48","slug":"why-evga-exit-gpu-business","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/g100.us\/why-evga-exit-gpu-business\/","title":{"rendered":"Why Did EVGA Exit The GPU Business? [And What It Means For You]"},"content":{"rendered":"

As of September 16th, 2022, EVGA has publicly and vocally terminated their partnership with Nvidia, effectively removing themselves from the GPU business<\/strong>. EVGA was one of the most well-respected providers of Nvidia GPUs for most of the past few decades and was renowned for their customer service and trade-up\/return policies<\/a>.<\/p>\n

Often considered the provider of the best overall Nvidia GPUs, EVGA has now left a distinct gap in the space it once occupied in the GPU market. So, why did this happen, and what does it mean for you, the customer? Let\u2019s dive in.<\/strong><\/p>\n

<\/span>Why Did EVGA Exit The GPU Business?<\/span><\/h2>\n

As it turns out, not all is well in the world of Nvidia GPU AIB (Add-In Board) partners<\/strong>. If you think Nvidia has poor communication as a consumer, you may be surprised to find it doesn\u2019t get much better for their partners.<\/p>\n

A direct example cited by EVGA in their talks with GamersNexus reveals that even EVGA doesn\u2019t get to know the MSRP of a new GPU until consumers do upon its official announcement<\/strong>. In the meantime, they\u2019re forced to work with placeholder prices, so even they won\u2019t know the actual cost of the product they\u2019re launching until it\u2019s time to launch.<\/p>\n

More pressing than these odd communication issues is the fact that EVGA is actually losing money on Nvidia GPUs, as well as being forced to compete directly with Nvidia<\/strong> themselves providing the cheapest options on the market.<\/p>\n

Lower-budget chips like the RTX 3060 aren\u2019t impacted as hard, but according to EVGA, they\u2019re losing hundreds of dollars on higher-end RTX 30 Series cards.<\/strong><\/p>\n