Top 16 PC Hardware Youtube Channels Worth Subscribing To [2024 Update]

G100 Author Petar Vukobratby Petar Vukobrat / Published

YouTube is, for better or worse, a platform we all gravitate towards on a daily basis.

We all have a need to consume different kinds of content and, well, there’s no larger “hub” or source than Google’s perennial video-sharing platform.

Some of its videos are entertaining, some time-consuming (without any intrinsic merit), and some educational. Those who are passionate about hardware and personal computing, naturally, gravitate towards what is so often labeled as “tech YouTubers.”

We don’t all have the luxury of testing out the latest and greatest components, laptops, phones and what have you, which is why we — almost instinctively — search out relevant videos whenever we can.

Sometimes we do this in order to inform ourselves so as not to make a frivolous (or unwise) purchasing decision; other times we do so to broaden our horizons and get a better understanding of the many different options and SKUs that are on the market.

Either way, YouTube is probably the first place we go to in order to get our tech-related needs met.

The following fifteen channels are all worth following for one reason or another. Some of them cover hardware in a mainstream manner — their videos are fun and engaging.

Top 15 PC Hardware Youtube Channels That You Should Subscribe To

Others strike a fine balance between entertainment and in-depth analysis. Others still go deep on the nuances and intricacies of the devices we all love and, more likely than not, wish to obtain at some point in the future.

Either way, they’re all worth subscribing to!

1. Linus Tech Tips [LTT]

YouTube Channel: Linus Tech Tips

Linus Sebastian needs no introduction. He’s sort of the “poster child” for tech YouTubers and, well, with good reason: he’s been making videos for over fifteen years and is, without a doubt, one of the most prominent figures in the industry.

He’s also insanely charming and incredibly knowledgeable on all things tech — hence the popularity.

With over six thousand videos and a team of talented writers, engineers, and hosts — alongside a bunch of “sister” channels like ShortCircuit, Techquickie, TechLinked, and Mac Address — the content he and his team make is almost always the first to pop up after you’ve clicked on the Search button.

And we, for one, wouldn’t have it any other way.

Linus Tech Tips isn’t necessarily all that “hardcore” these days, but it nonetheless plays a vital part in the tech YouTuber scene, and is amongst the most prominent channels on the entire platform.

2. Gamers Nexus

YouTube Channel: Gamers Nexus

Despite the name, Gamers Nexus — one could argue — does the least gaming coverage out of all prominent “tech” YouTube channels. Instead, they focus on hardware, performance, benchmarking, optimizations and — more often than not — calling out companies for their shady, anti-consumer moves.

Steve and his team stand out from the crowd for both their technical expertise but also their staggering — and seemingly unyielding — integrity. They’re absolute professionals and they also happen to create some of the best, most in-depth hardware-related content on YouTube.

Gamers Nexus is, without a shadow of a doubt, one of the best channels out there, and their staunch following attests to that fact.

3. der8auer

YouTube Channel: der8auer

As a mainstay in the extreme overclocking scene with over fifteen years of experience, it's fair to say that Roman “der8auer” Hartung has left one heck of a mark; and, by the looks of it, has no intention of slowing down any time soon.

He's also the CEO of Thermal Grizzly, a part-time product engineer for CaseKing, and is amongst the most respected luminaries both within his particular field and the entire tech space.

If you're serious about hardware, subscribing to his channel is basically a must.

4. HardwareCanucks

YouTube Channel: Hardware Canucks

Hardware Canucks is sort of the quintessential hardware YouTube channel.

They cover coolers, cases, microphones, peripherals, small form factor PCs, both gaming and productivity laptops, webcams, monitors, keyboards, mice, and, at times, even phones.

To top it all off, all of their videos are beautifully shot and incredibly engaging. There's really nothing to criticize as it's all done professionally with even a bit of comic relief thrown in from time to time for good measure.

If you’re after a well-rounded channel that covers tech from all sorts of angles — in a very professional manner — Hardware Canucks should definitely be atop your list.

5. Hardware Unboxed

YouTube Channel: Hardware Unboxed

No one does benchmark better than Hardware Unboxed. That much is a fact.

Steve, along with Tim (who’s running the “sister” channel Monitors Unboxed) is an absolute behemoth when it comes to putting the latest and greatest processors, motherboards, and graphics cards through their paces.

Their videos are painstakingly detailed and require a stupendous amount of effort, both in regards to the “grunt work” (i.e. benchmarking) and the whole production side of things (graphs, charts, calculations, and so on).

Their content is so darn incredible that it’s sort of weird that we get to consume it for free — it’s that good and thorough.

The duration of their videos ranges from fifteen minutes all the way up to 45, and are about as packed with information and in-depth analysis as possible.

If you’re into hardware and are wondering how the latest releases from Intel, AMD, and NVIDIA stack up — either when compared to one another or when juxtaposed with their forerunners — subscribing to Hardware Unboxed is basically a must.

6. JayzTwoCents

YouTube Channel: JayzTwoCents

Jay, much like Linus, needs no introduction. He's been around for what feels like forever and is a prominent, trustworthy source for all things hardware-related.

His videos are long, detailed, and packed with information, but where he really stands out is his friendly demeanor and carefree personality.

His videos are both informative and entertaining, so definitely make sure to subscribe!

7. Just Josh

YouTube Channel: Just Josh

Despite not being all that experienced as a YouTuber, Josh quickly rose through the proverbial ranks due to his honesty, integrity, and willingness to speak his mind.

That’s… pretty rare in today’s day and age — especially when it comes to tech reviewers who, for logical reasons, don’t really want to burn any bridges.

If a laptop runs too hot, Josh will point it out. Ditto if it happens to be too loud or if it presents a poor value proposition. Moreover, he’s constantly talking about the most important thing: the overall user experience.

Showing benchmark results and noise levels (amongst other things) is important, but it doesn’t paint the whole picture. And, frankly, it doesn’t even come close.

That’s why reviewers like Josh are so important (and, sadly, rare). If you’re into laptops and portable computing, his channel is definitely one to subscribe to.

8. Optimum Tech

YouTube Channel: Optimum Tech

There’s no one better than Optimum Tech when it comes to ITX, small form factor builds, and everything they entail. His channel is packed with spectacular content, all of which is shot and edited about as beautifully as possible.

He also covers gaming mice, keyboards, microphones, components, monitors, and everything in between, so by no means is he a “one trick pony.” He still hasn’t reached one million subscribers, but that’s bound to change in the very near future.

And, perhaps most importantly, he knows his stuff.

There’s no “filler” content, nothing that is designed to rack in views and generate revenue — each and every video of his is created with absolute dedication, incredible expertise, and a level of execution seldom seen.

9. Jarrod’s Tech

YouTube Channel: Jarrod’s Tech

No one does laptop reviews and comparisons better than Jarrod. Not only is he amongst the first when it comes to coverage, but he’s almost always the most thorough as well — we're talking in-depth videos that are up to twenty-five minutes in duration.

And, perhaps best of all, he covers laptops from all sorts of different angles and is pretty “price agnostic” — he'll gladly review both the most expensive Razer Blade and the most budget-friendly Acer Nitro.

He's also big on cross-gen CPU and GPU comparisons, so if you’re in the market for a new laptop, make sure to check out his channel: it’s an absolute gem.


YouTube Channel: ETA PRIME

ETA PRIME seemingly covers everything: handheld gaming PCs (the Steam Decks and AYANEOs of the world), mini PCs (Intel NUCs, Minisforum, Beelink, etc.), gaming laptops, external graphics cards, OCuLink, retro gaming consoles, single-board computers, emulation, obscure small form factor PCs from AliExpress, Linux gaming, and everything in between.

He’s not necessarily a jack of all trades, but the things he does, he does them extraordinarily well — hence the incredible subscriber count.

His videos are relaxed and mellow but also packed with intricate information and breadth of knowledge.

He’s truly one-of-a-kind.

11. Moore's Law Is Dead

YouTube Channel: Moore’s Law Is Dead

The most prolific leaker around; he’s the “go-to” source for all the latest and greatest news (and rumors) when it comes to Intel, AMD, and NVIDIA.

He essentially offers viewers an early first look at the technology of tomorrow, of the incredibly alluring advancements which are currently in the pipeline and are bound to hit the market in the coming months and years.

Processors, graphics cards, motherboards, quarterly earnings, corporate reshufflings, and so on and so forth — Moore’s Law Is Dead covers it all.

His videos are more of the “talking head,” podcast-type, but they’re a lot more engaging than one would expect given their lack of editing and pizzazz.

12. Monitors Unboxed

YouTube Channel: Monitors Unboxed

If you’re into gaming monitors — be they IPS, VA, TN, OLED, or MiniLED — Monitors Unboxed is the number one source for astoundingly detailed reviews and breakdowns.

Tim does a spectacular job at explaining all the little nuances and peculiarities that, when combined, comprise the entire user experience.

There’s no other channel on YouTube that covers monitors in such a way; his videos are at once both incredibly succinct and tremendously layered, which makes them palatable to both tech veterans and novices alike.

13. Max Tech

YouTube Channel: Max Tech

The guys running Max Tech do an incredibly good job at covering both the entirety of Apple’s product stack and the way in which it compares to the Windows and Android side of things.

They cover real-life workloads and are often the first to point out where Apple went wrong, be it in regard to design or engineering.

They’re not the most thorough — when compared to some other channels on this list — but are nonetheless worth a mention both because of their timely uploads and surprising versatility in regard to the topics they cover.

14. Tech Notice

YouTube Channel: Tech Notice

A hardware channel specifically geared towards creatives. It, too, covers the latest and greatest components from Intel, AMD, and NVIDIA, but solely through the lens of content creation.

It’s a phenomenal channel overall as it delves deep into the many pros and cons which each generation of hardware brings to the table.

This, when combined with cross-gen comparisons and in-depth benchmarks, makes it a stellar source of knowledge and information for anyone who happens to be a content creator — or plans on becoming one.

15. NotebookcheckReviews

YouTube Channel: NotebookcheckReviews

This venerable outlet is known for two distinct reasons: the fact that they’re amongst the first to report on whatever’s happening in the tech world and, additionally, for the most in-depth laptop reviews you’ll ever lay your eyes on.

They also started a YouTube channel a while back and, while their videos aren’t quite as in-depth as their written reviews, they are still a phenomenal way of informing yourself about the latest and greatest laptops on the market.

Succinct yet in-depth, they stand out from the crowd for both their timely uploads and jaw-dropping cinematography.

16. Dave2D

YouTube Channel: Dave2D

Dave covers much of the same stuff as the vast majority of his colleagues and contemporaries, but he does so in a fairly different manner: watching his videos makes you feel like you’re talking to a lifelong friend, one whose passion for technology rivals your own.

He, too, shows benchmarks and delves deep into the nitty-gritty of it all, but he does so in a much more relaxed, “friendly” kind of way.

He covers a rather wide range of topics and hardware but is nonetheless most focused on gaming laptops and phones.

Over to You

Which hardware YouTube channels do you prefer and why? Let us know in the comment section down below and, in case you need any help, head over to our forum and ask away!

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Petar Vukobrat

I first sat down in front of a Pentium II in 1999 and it feels like I’ve been sitting in front of a computer ever since.

And, well, until mankind comes up with something better and more entertaining, that’ll keep being the case.

If you have any questions — or just want to talk about all things PC and Apple — leave a comment down below!


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