Top 6 Expert PC Hardware Sites That You Can Trust [2024 Update]

G100 Author Christopher Harperby Christopher Harper / Published

Looking for PC hardware sites that you can trust? Well, I’ve been scouring the Internet for reputable sources of PC hardware information for...over a decade now, so I should be able to help you with that.

Let’s start by diving into what actually makes a website ‘trustworthy’ before I give you my top 6 recommendations and wrap things up.

Alternatively, you can just skip ahead with that Table of Contents above. I can’t actually stop you from doing that.

What Makes a PC Hardware Site Trustworthy?

Provided you haven’t already skipped ahead, I do still think it’s worth taking the time to talk about what makes a PC hardware site, or really any outlet of news or reviews, trustworthy.

When it comes to hardware, what you need the most is accurate information and a greater interest in actually serving the readers instead of sponsors and/or manufacturers.

I’ll be discussing how some of my recommendations have dealt with conflicts of interest like this where applicable, as well as focusing on what actually makes them compelling sources of information.

With that established, let’s dive into it!

Top 6 PC Hardware Sites You Can Trust (In No Particular Order)

1. AnandTech (for Hardware News and Reviews, Active Forum)


One of the most well-known and trusted tech news sites on the Internet is AnandTech and for good reason. Founded in 1997 by Anand Shimpi, AnandTech was one of the Internet’s first major indie success stories for independent PC hardware reviewing.

Anand was actually only fourteen years old at the time he originally opened the site and started reviewing hardware, but still set himself apart enough to build a lasting tech news presence to this day.

These days, Anandtech is no longer independent— it got bought up by the Purch Group in 2014, and later Purch was acquired by Future in 2018.

Anand Shimpi himself retired from the site in 2014 (moving to Apple, where he still works) as well, though gave the reins of Editor-In-Chief to Ryan Smith, who has been writing for the site since 2005 and still writes for it today.

Despite all these transfers of ownership, the legacy of AnandTech as one of the most trusted sources of hardware news and reviews has persisted since its initial founding.

Plus, the active Forums attached to the Anandtech site are pretty good in their own right and have a similar degree of long-time legacy attached to them.

2. RTINGs (for Display Benchmarking and Reviews)


RTINGS is far and away the leading provider of TV and monitor benchmarks & reviews.

Founded in 2011, RTINGS has pushed a business model of buying every display they review and only monetizing through affiliate links and (eventually) an optional insider program. They do not use advertisements, and they don’t even accept sponsorships.

But their business model isn’t what makes them so good. It’s actually the detail with which they review displays, which easily goes beyond the majority of monitor reviews elsewhere on the web.

RTINGS runs every display they get through literally dozens of specific metrics and benchmarks, including to-the-point readings of input lag, viewing angles, etc. If you want to know whether or not a monitor is worth buying, an RTINGS review is one of the best ways to confirm that.

Besides TVs and monitors, RTINGS also reviews other PC peripherals and even some home electronics...but the display reviews are what they’re most well-known for, and for good reason.

The database of high-accuracy, benchmarked monitor information available on RTINGS is unmatched elsewhere on the web.

3. GamersNexus (for Heavy-Duty Benchmarking & YouTube)


Don’t let GamersNexus name fool you if you aren’t a gamer— this isn’t your everyday gaming-centric hardware outlet.

While most of GamersNexus’ content goes onto YouTube rather than its website these days (and it's among the top PC Hardware Youtube Channels you should subscribe to), both forms of GN prioritize holding manufacturers accountable for their mistakes and providing some truly superb, detailed benchmarks.

In particular, GamersNexus’ coverage of PC cases and CPU coolers is easily industry-leading in quality, even before they went and got a dedicated Lab for testing hardware.

We at G100 have actually ended up referring to GamersNexus’ work across the site quite a few times, even in articles with a minimal gaming focus.

When you’re on the hunt for great benchmarks from a reputable source, a name like GamersNexus shouldn’t deter you, provided it does its job. And GamersNexus is easily one of the hardest-working independent hardware outlets out there!

4. Notebookcheck (for Laptop Benchmarking & Database)

I’d be remiss to go through this guide without recommending Notebookcheck. is more or less the holy grail of laptop CPU and GPU benchmark databases on the web, and has comfortably occupied that top spot since 2005.

While it’s still a good idea to look for a review for the specific laptop you want, it can be pretty difficult to sort out exactly how current laptop CPUs and GPUs compare due to obtuse and confusing naming schemes.

For example: Did you know an Nvidia Max-Q Mobile GPU is usually the weakest version of that Mobile GPU? Max-Q may infer “max quality”, but it actually means the least power consumption and thus, the least performance.

Were it not for, students, and professionals around the world would be left to the whims of these monsters in marketing departments slapping whatever collection of letters and numbers they want on any processor they please.

That might sound...a little hyperbolic, but the point is if you’re looking for the most exhaustive, detailed source of laptop hardware is the place.

5. LinusTechTips (for YouTube & Active Forums)


LinusTechTips is probably the most popular outlet being referred to in this article— well, its YouTube presence is, anyway.

While LTT faces some occasional critique for clickbait-y thumbnails, Linus and his team have been providing high-accuracy, high-quality tech news and reviews for YouTube several days a week since 2008. That’s very impressive, and that’s before we even start talking about the actual website!

Since most of LTT’s coverage is in video form, the dedicated LTT website takes on a different role and instead leads directly to the LTT Community Forums.

These are among the most well-populated tech forums on the Internet due to Linus’ popularity, and members of the LTT team are also frequently active on the forums alongside all the work they put into frequent video uploads.

6. Tom’s Hardware (for General Hardware News and Reviews, Active Forum)

Tom’s Hardware

Last but not least, let’s take a moment to talk about Tom’s Hardware.

Tom’s Hardware is one of the oldest, most well-known names in digital tech media, starting all the way back in 1996.

Not only is this website old enough to drink, but it’s also old enough to start seriously reconsidering all of its life decisions. Fortunately, it doesn’t have to!

Tom’s Hardware has served as a trusted source of general tech news and reviews since its founding all those years ago, and aside from the occasional spot of justified critique, it has unquestionably earned its spot as a long-time pillar of tech media.

Tom’s Hardware has helped pioneer the way for countless independent tech media sites since.

Like other sites on this list, Tom’s Hardware also has active forums...but honestly, I think their Forums might be one of the definitive sources of PC tech knowledge on the web, even if most of that knowledge is buried behind incredibly specific Google searches and thread perusals.

Forums may not be as strictly-organized as properly published content, but long-running Forums on reputable tech sites with active communities like Tom’s Hardware are an invaluable resource for techies everywhere.

Back in my ghostwriting-as-a-teenager days, I ended up finding more than one obscure tech problem fix on Tom’s Hardware Forums, so it wouldn’t be right to finish up this list without shouting them out.


Why Recommend Other PC Hardware Sites?

If you’ve read all the way here, you may be wondering why I’d spend all this time recommending you to other tech websites.

Isn’t it in my best interest that you stay here on G100 as long as possible? Well, yes and no.

As a courtesy peek behind the curtain, it’s important to understand the value of outbound links for any reputable website— news, reviewers, or otherwise.

Being able to source compelling information and refer readers to the best sources for their needs is of vital importance for any media outlet, even a small, independent team like G100.

It’s helpful, it’s courteous, and the robots in charge of the Internet seem to appreciate it.

Also: Different Sites have different focuses. G100 is much more focused on Hardware for professionals than most of the sites we recommend above.

What Are The Best PC Builder Tools?

The automated G100 Custom PC Build Tool, obviously. Well, that’s my personal favorite, anyway— Alex wrote a much longer, more detailed, more nuanced guide to Custom PC Builder Sites already.

I don’t want to step on the toes of that existing guide too much, so instead I’m actually going to make a recommendation in a slightly different direction.

For anyone wanting to visualize the build process of their dream custom PC build or looking for an interactive way to practice building a PC, I highly recommend snagging a copy of PC Building Simulator or its sequel.

PC Building Simulator is...pretty much exactly what it sounds like, but is a fairly engaging and educational way to prepare for a PC build.

Over to You

And that’s it!

I hope that this article helped you find some useful additional resources for your (presumably) growing foundation of tech knowledge.

That’s the other hidden motivation behind all these PC hardware-centric websites, including our own: it’s pretty hard to keep writing about this stuff if you don’t have a genuine enthusiasm for it! Spreading that enthusiasm is half the fun.

We keep that enthusiasm at G100 by engaging with readers in our comments and Forums as frequently as possible, and going all-out whenever we get the chance on high-detail guides and extensive benchmarking.

Feel free to let us know in the comments or Forums if you have any additional questions about PC hardware, or need some direct assistance with your current PC project!

Until then, or until next time, we’ll be waiting. And remember: happy building!

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Christopher Harper

I have been a passionate devotee to technology since the age of 3, and to writing since before I even finished high school.

These passions have since combined into a living in my adulthood and have made writing about PC Hardware very satisfying.

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