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Unsure about building workstation on own, paying someone or buy from a website custom build


Larry Groff

I'm hoping to get more insight into building a new PC on my own or paying someone else. I have a budget of roughly 4 - 5K total for a workstation that would be used primarily for generalist 3D work - (rendering, animation, modeling, and some simulations) using Houdini, Redshift, and a variety of other programs. I have never built a PC before and have been somewhat technophobic with messing around with BIOS and such - (Mac user for most of my life (I'm older in my 60's) So I'm not particularly eager to build my own computer for many reasons. However, the savings is so considerable I'm tempted to suck it up and try despite being very nervous about screwing something up due to spacing out or an accident.

I thought a possible compromise might be to find somebody local (San Diego) a small computer repair shop perhaps (or maybe someone on Task Rabbit or similar) Where I could buy all the components (through your fantastic website's recommendations) and then pay them to assemble and test. I have no idea what they might charge so I'd be curious to hear what people here might say to expect is fair for something like this - either by hourly rate or total cost of labor.

If the price of having someone local isn't that much different than paying a website company who makes custom workstations then maybe I'd just go with that as it would have a warranty, etc - even though there pricing can seem rather steep.

I am still very tempted to try to build this myself but my wife says that knowing me it wouldn't be a good idea if my shoddy worksmanship with general handyman activities is any indication!

I'd love to hear advice on this - thanks in advance.
Alex Glawion

Alex Glawion

CG Hardware Specialist @ G100
Staff member
Jun 12, 2020
Reaction score
This might be possible but I am not sure how happy such shops are about you buying your own parts to let them be assembled by them. I'd guess that they make the most money off of the markup when they buy the pc-parts and not necessarily the assembly. But it's worth asking around!

Or maybe you have some tech-friends or pc-gamers in the area that would be happy to do some pc-building? I know that back in the days I loved to just go around and build a bunch of pcs for my friends without asking for any money because it was so much fun :)

Larry Groff

Maybe I just need to learn how to redefine what's fun for me! I think you're right because I just heard back from a shop saying they were too busy to do that. Maybe if I watch enough videos about how to build a PC I will feel more comfortable. The cost savings is so considerable I think I may need to suck it up and just go for it. I'm wondering now if there might be a mentor-service - where, for a fee, someone could be available for a consult if some issue or trouble comes up while putting it all together?
Alex Glawion

Alex Glawion

CG Hardware Specialist @ G100
Staff member
Jun 12, 2020
Reaction score
Hey Larry,
I think anyone can learn how to build a pc. There are so many guides out ther (we've got a beginner's guide too, here: https://g100.us/how-to-build-a-pc/). Or take a look at some youtube videos such as this one

If you do run into any trouble you can ask us here in the forum. Happy to help out!