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PC for 3ds max, vray5 and sometimes I work with Lumion



Hi Alex
I need help
I work with 3ds max and vray5 and sometimes I work with Lumion.
I set aside $ 1,250 to buy a computer. Please introduce me the best computer I can buy.
A computer with 3700x and gtx 1660s can be snapped with this amount. Are there any better suggestions?
Is it worth buying 3900x instead of 3700x for $ 150?
Is it possible to keep the 3900x cool with a stock fan for rendering?
pleas help meeeee
Alex Glawion

Alex Glawion

CG Hardware Specialist @ G100
Staff member
Jun 12, 2020
Reaction score
Hey Tony,
Vray makes good use of nvidia cuda capable gpus, so the 1660super you suggest is a good pick within that price range. As you can usually do hybrid rendering too in vray, having a CPU with a good amount of cores can benefit render performance too. So the 3900X would be nice. It can be cooled with the stock cooler without any problems (at stock speeds), though if you plan on using PBO or want to overclock it, you should get a third party cooler such as the beQuiet Dark Rock Pro 4.

Lumion is a realtime Engine, you can use both Nvidia and AMD OpenGL capable GPUs there, but I would suggest an Nvidia GPU as they do tend to perform better.
