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PC Build for Photo / Movie Editing, Proshow producer, Photoshop, Cyberlink Power Director

  • Thread starter john moore (subpoenaman)
  • Start date

john moore (subpoenaman)

The last time I build my own was about 15 years ago, (be kind) I'm now retired and finding time to do some family photo/movie editing. I use Proshow producer and photoshop and cyberlink power director 14 64-bit software most likely will be upgrading pro-show producer has since sold out and video software needs upgrading. I would like to spend under $2000.00 I've always used intel so amd would be new I will go either way so input would be appreciated. right now I'm using a dell xps which rendering speed is awful i did upgrade to a ssd but the main board is outdated. I would like to be able to do future upgrades.
thank you for any information or ideas.
G100.us Parts List: https://g100.us/pc-builder/?=yb1ygpzilmm

CPU: AMD Ryzen 9 3900X 3.8GHz 12-Core Processor ($399.99)
CPU Cooler: be quiet! Dark Rock Pro 4 ($71.19)
Motherboard: ASUS TUF Gaming X570-Plus ATX AM4 ($238.94)
GPU: Nvidia GTX 1660TI 6GB - EVGA XC Gaming ($289.99)
Memory: 32GB (2 x 16GB) Corsair Vengeance LPX DDR4-3200 C16 ($139.99)
Storage SSD: Crucial MX500 2TB 2.5" Solid State Drive ($229.99)
Storage PCIe-SSD: ADATA XPG SX8200 Pro 1TB NVME M.2 Solid State Drive ($139.99)
Storage HDD: Seagate BarraCuda Compute 4TB, 3.5" ($75.23)
Power Supply: Corsair CX Series CX550M 550W ATX 2.4 Power Supply ($114.99)
Case: Phanteks Eclipse P300 ATX Mid Tower Case ($154.34)
Total: $1854.64
Alex Glawion

Alex Glawion

CG Hardware Specialist @ G100
Staff member
Jun 12, 2020
Reaction score
This is a solid build! For both Photo Editing and Video / Movie Editing, a high clocking cpu with a decent single core clock will help you a lot in working smoothly and efficiently without having to wait long for any renders - And the AMD Ryzen 3900X is such an excellent CPU. No need to go Intel, as AMD has been releasing excellent products recently.

Because Photo/Video Editing is not very demanding on the GPU, the 1660Ti is fine in this build, although it might be a bit weak compared to the relatively strong CPU. But as long as you are not doing any high-end gaming at 4k, this GPU will do great for your workloads.

The other components are pretty standard stuff, 32GB of RAM will last you for a while even with more complex Video Timelines, and the 3 Storage devices will be more than enough to actively work on and archive a lot of projects.

I see no issues, go for it! :)

Let me know if you have any specific questions.

John moore subpoenaman

Tech Assistant
Jul 6, 2020
Reaction score
Thank you, I don't do gaming but have a grand child who does and he does visit weekly, is there a step up for the 1660ti that you would recommend as there is a possibility he might want to step up his games and I do like when he's around..just wondering if it would be an upgrade that I might want to now instead of waiting and having to replace the card.
Thanks again
Alex Glawion

Alex Glawion

CG Hardware Specialist @ G100
Staff member
Jun 12, 2020
Reaction score
Sure! The 1660Ti will be able to run most games at good quality, but to be entirely safe for any kind of games, you can get the Nvidia RTX 2060 Super instead, which should pack more than enough performance to run any modern game you can come by currently. Here's one on amazon https://amzn.to/2Z7TZr0

John moore subpoenaman

Tech Assistant
Jul 6, 2020
Reaction score
Thank you for all the information, I am now getting ready to do the buy, I'm wondering if your website is affiliated with any certain sellers of hardware if so please explain how would link to it so you do get the commission I have check prices and they all seem to be close to each other , amazon, newegg etc.. I do have a question about the tuf gaming x570-plus I notice that one is wifi and the other is not is there a reason why I wouldn't want the wifi? also the amd ryzen 3900x seems to come with a cooler fan? should I still order the dark rock 4? also I can't seem to find a corsair cx 550M 550 watts in stock they do have the 650 is there any reason that I shouldn't just purchase more wattage Thanks again
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Alex Glawion

Alex Glawion

CG Hardware Specialist @ G100
Staff member
Jun 12, 2020
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Thanks for wanting to support us! :) You can click on our affiliate links listed on this page: https://g100.us/support-us/
Anything you buy on amazon or newegg for a day after you click on the link will grant us a small commission without any extra cost to you.

There is no reason to go without the wifi, but since many people already have wifi usb sticks or a LAN cable connection to their router, they usually don't need it. If you need wifi to connect to your router/internet, get the one with wifi. :)

The 3900X comes with a cpu cooler. The boxed cooler is ok-ish for everyday workloads. If you are doing heavy workloads such as rendering, you could have better performance with a third party cooler such as the bequiet dark rock pro 4. But you can go with the boxed cooler first and upgrade lateron if you want to (the difference is marginal in most workloads).

Feel free to get the 650W PSU if the 550W is not in stock, as it will only draw as much power as your pc requires.


John moore subpoenaman

Tech Assistant
Jul 6, 2020
Reaction score
while I'm waiting around for parts get back in stock I'm starting planing on what goes where and I'm kind of mixed up where i would be installing the windows 10 op software and subsequent software I use. the last time i built a computer there was ether a 'Floppy Drive' or a hard drive and the op system was in stalled on the hard drive so I'm a little mixed up which drive I use for the best setup. I'm pretty sure the seagate hd is for backup, so then I have a Crucial ssd Mx500(2tb) and PCIe-SSD: ADATA XPG SX8200 Pro 1TB NVME M.2 installed On which drive would windows 10 be located and where would my apps (pro-show, cyberlink director and photoshop...be installed and the storage of photos...and non finished working projects. I actually searched google for information and I got two or three different answers not all the same, I hope I'm being clear on what I'm asking. I'm looking to setup a work flow that is efficient and using the video software and video editing of the files and storage correctly.
thank you for any ideas.
Alex Glawion

Alex Glawion

CG Hardware Specialist @ G100
Staff member
Jun 12, 2020
Reaction score
You would install the OS and Programs on the SSD (The Mx500) which is the second fastest drive, and have your active projects on the fastest drive, which is the pciessd (xpg adata). The HDD is the slowest and should only be used occasionally for backups and archiving.